Wednesday Writing Update

This month’s writing update will include some highs and some lows. I had just started to hit my stride both academically and creatively when hurricane Florence disrupted school operations. I’ve spent a lot of time since then trying to get back on track, with mixed success.


My piece was not accepted to the JordanCon charity anthology this year, but I will be eligible to submit again next year. I’ve sent off my submission for Unlocking the Magic, a successful Kickstarter project for a collection of science fiction and fantasy with positive portrayals of mental illness. It will probably be quite a while before I hear back about this opportunity.


This semester is hard. I’ve had several people tell me that somehow, sophomore year seems to be the hardest and I can confirm thus far. While I won’t go into details about my schedule, suffice it to say that I’ve been disappointed in my lack of creative energy. Especially the last week of October, playing catch-up with academic work started to take precedence during my normal writing time. Add in the fact that the darker fall mornings makes it difficult for me to get out of bed on time, and I’m really not getting much done as far as creative writing is concerned.

November Goals

With these difficulties in mind, I’ve developed goals for November that I hope will be achievable, but of course will require some effort on my part. I want to have at least four writing sessions per week. They can be during the week, on the weekend, of different lengths, as long as I get some words on the page a couple times a week. Hopefully this will be a goal that I’ll be able to fit in around school as well as with traveling back and forth for Thanksgiving break.

What goals do you have for November? Share in the comments!

2 thoughts on “Wednesday Writing Update

  1. I wish you the best in achieving your goals this month! You can accomplish anything you put your mind to! My goal is to just simply start writing in my journal again. I use to write everyday or every other day about what happened that day, random thoughts, poetry or even song lyrics that stuck out to me. I need to get back to that again. It’s peaceful and would let me get the “clutter” out of my head. Without it, I’m a scatter-brained Jane! Good luck to you and your endeavors! Take care.

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